If you live in a busy neighborhood, most likely you’ve been disturbed by loud traffic noise which can distract you from carrying out your daily tasks effectively. If this is a major problem for you, then you might consider having a home renovation, or upgrading other portions of your home. One of the best solutions you can do is to have a roof replacement or siding project.

What Are My Options?
Every siding system has a different kind of noise insulation level. The same can also be said for your windows as aluminum windows filter exterior noise better than others. As such, you’ll want to replace it with a superior siding system to reduce the noise you hear at home.
One of the most recommended options by expert siding and roofing contractors is vinyl siding. When compared to other siding materials like brick, cement, or aluminum, vinyl siding can prevent noise from entering your home at anything 4000hz and below. However, if you’re experiencing noises at higher frequencies, you can opt for organic materials such as stone siding. You should also consider the weight and thickness of your siding materials. The heavier and thicker they are, the better they do at reducing the noise you can hear from outside your property. Composite siding systems are great for this purpose.
Total Soundproofing
If you want to totally filter out the noise you hear from outside your home, changing your siding alone won’t do the trick. You’ll need to change your roofing, windows, as well as your doors. Also, your softscaping and trees can help since trees can reduce up to 40% of the outdoor noise.
At Brewster Roofing LLC, we can help you breathe new life to your beloved home. Contact us if you’re looking for a siding and roof replacement expert. Give us a call at (913) 915-5234 or fill out our contact form and request a free estimate on exterior renovations today.